News & Events

SSA establishes relationship with Seawolf FRG

         The Seawolf Submarine Association (SSA) has now established a strong working relationship with the Seawolf Family Readiness Group (FRG).  Per OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1754.5C, FRG’s are “private organization(s), closely-affiliated with the command, comprised of family members, Sailors, and civilians associated with the command and its personnel, who support the flow of information; provide practical tools for adjusting to Navy deployments and separations; and serve as a link between the command and Sailors’ families. FRGs help plan, coordinate, and conduct informational, care-taking, morale-building, and social activities to enhance preparedness and command mission readiness, and to increase the resiliency and well-being of Sailors and their families.” 

         We are proud to be collaborating with the Seawolf FRG in executing their mission.  

Seawolf Kid’s Party            

         After spending some quality time with their families over the Holiday Season, the SSA and Seawolf FRG hosted a Kid’s Post-Holiday Party at the local bowling alley in January.   The SSA provided food and appropriate gifts for all Seawolf kids in attendance.   According to Seawolf FRG President Heidi Adkins, “Thank you so much! All the kids loved the presents. Especially the big kids with legos! It was a blast! Thank you to the sub club!”


Seawolf Returns from Deployment

         After successfully completing her mission, the USS Seawolf returned to her homeport in December.  This was earlier than expected, and certainly welcome news for her crew and families as they were able to spend the Holiday Season together at home.  

In what is becoming a tradition, the Seawolf Submarine Association (SSA) provided the “First Night Duty Crew Dinner” upon their return, providing Subway sandwiches and a variety of sides for all crew members standing watch that first night home.  Below are some photos from their return.          


Welcome Home Boxes provided for single sailors

         The SSA provided needed supplies to the Seawolf FRG in order to create Welcome Home Boxes for all Seawolf single sailors.   The boxes included laundry detergent, snacks, toiletries, and other items for the sailors to enjoy.  They were a big hit and much appreciated. 

Seawolf Fall Family Activities

The Seawolf Submarine Association supported a number of activities for Seawolf families this past Fall.   On a nice Fall afternoon In October, we sponsored a Seawolf Kids Pumpkin Painting Party at a local farm.  The kids enjoyed decorating their pumpkins in anticipation of Thanksgiving.  

         Then for Thanksgiving dinner, the SSA was proud to provide turkeys for 16 Seawolf families.   



The Seawolf Submarine Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All Donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 

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